Tigerpetal Press explores the various methods of bookbinding and uses recycled materials to create unique, handcrafted journals, sketchbooks, guestbooks, and more.
Tigerpetal Press uses a variety of stitching methods, including buttonhole stitch, case binding, chain stitch, Coptic stitch, cross stitch, French link stitch, Japanese stab binding, leather binding, and long stitch.
We currently use quality 24 lb Strathmore writing paper for nearly all our projects, and the interiors of all our books are designed and printed in-house.
Pick up in Chilliwack or get it shipped directly to you.
If you’re looking for something more specific, we can create a custom book to your preferences. Choose:
If you love the cover of your notebook or journal but you’ve used up all the pages, get it rebound with fresh paper!
For Individuals & Couples
Pre-Designed or Made to Order
For Individuals & Couples
Tigerpetal Press is a small book press dedicated to publishing local authors and poets.