Tigerpetal Press publishes single-signature chapbooks containing poetry or short stories. Four times per year, we accept submissions from BC-local authors and poets to be granted a publishing contract, fulfilled within 6-12 months of acceptance.
Average print run: 100 hand-crafted books.
Acceptance and rejection emails will be sent out within the first two weeks following the submission period.
All submissions are FREE.
Incorrectly submitted works will not be considered. Please read the guidelines carefully.
First, check whether submissions are being accepted (February, May, August, November) and if the main focus of the month matches your work (short story/poetry). It helps your chances of being selected if your work lines up with the requested theme.
Ensure that your work matches the submission guidelines. It should be in a PDF or Word format with a title page including the following information:
The work text should begin on the following page.
Format short stories in Times New Roman, 12 pt, double-spaced with a 0.25 inch indent.
Format poetry in Times New Roman, 12 pt as well. Format the poems’ spacing as you desire.
If you are submitting a short story, please keep it within the preferred word count of 2500 to 7500. You may submit one long story or a collection of similarly-themed stories.
If you are submitting poetry, limits are looser, but a recommended length is 10 to 40 poems (approx. 2000-4000 words), or what you believe would fit within a book of maximum 40 pages.
***If the work is paired with any photography or artwork, please also include these.
Type: Poetry
Theme: N/A
Selected Submission: Warp and Weft by Carla Stein
Type: Short Stories
Theme: wholesome; life lessons; family
Selected Submission: Beyond the Map: A Falkland Tale by Matthew Heneghan
Type: Poetry
Theme: recovery; healing; personal growth
Selected Submission: This Long Road by Sally Quon
Type: Short Fiction
Theme: overcoming a fear; ordinary acts of bravery
Selected Submission: Visiting Uncle Bently by Bill Stenson
Type: Poetry
Theme: injustice
Selected Submission: none selected
Type: Short Fiction
Theme: friendship; kindness; and/or childhood experience/nostalgia
Selected Submission: The Box by Tara Stannard
Type: Poetry
Theme: change (and all that entails)
Selected Submission: Hope is Rebellion by Apis Teicher
Type: Short Fiction
Theme: beauty of nature
December 19, 2022
$13.00 CDN + shipping
March 10, 2024
$15.00 CDN + shipping
June 10, 2024
$7.00 CDN + shipping
September 1, 2024
$17.00 CDN + shipping
Coming December, 2024
Price TBA
Coming June, 2025
Price TBA
Coming September, 2025
Price TBA
(a condensed version)
The author/poet grants Tigerpetal Press the non-exclusive rights to publish their work in the formats agreed upon within the contract. This right includes the power to incorporate the work into other pre-existing compositions, and to use the work in future compilations.
The author/poet retains all other rights to their work and is free to submit excerpts of the work elsewhere after 6 months of publication with the stipulation that first publication by Tigerpetal Press must be acknowledged in all online or other reprints.
Tigerpetal Press agrees not to voluntarily disclose any private, confidential, or personal information the author/poet has provided, without author/poet’s prior consent.
Tigerpetal Press will be sharing promotional material of the work prior to publication, including without limitation:
The author/poet agrees to allow Tigerpetal Press to modify or edit the work in cooperation with the author/poet. Such changes include, without limitation:
The author/poet will receive a small honorarium according to discussed print run, upon publication.
The author/poet will receive 10% of the full print run as discussed in lieu of further payment.
Tigerpetal Press is a small book press dedicated to publishing local authors and poets.