Book Review: The Infernal Devices Book 2 Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare title card

The Infernal Devices Book 2: Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare

4.5 stars; I liked it a lot

After absolutely loving the first book, I dove right into this one. Literally, the same day. I even finished it quicker than I typically give to books (in just three and a half days!) before giving myself the weekend before starting the third.

Read: June 4 – July 7, 2023

Genre: Fantasy, Supernatural
Audience: Young Adult
Book contains: foul language, referenced torture, dark elements/themes, demons and monsters

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Even Better Than the First

Tessa’s brother has betrayed her, and after the most recent attack on the Institute by the Magister’s forces, Charlotte stands to lose her position. Without Charlotte as the head, Tessa is at risk of being thrown from the Institute as easy prey for the Magister, but Will and Jem won’t allow it. They have fourteen days to find evidence of the Magister’s whereabouts, and they will find it.

I started reading this the same night as I finished the first one, and since the first one took so long, I decided to look for someone on YouTube reading the series. The last book ended on a bit of a cliffhanger, especially with the double-cross by Nate (which I was not expecting), so I was excited to get into this one. I read the prologue on Tuesday, then jumped right in on Wednesday morning and read straight through until Friday (of course with breaks to do actual work).

As mentioned above, I listened along on YouTube. I found an excellent narrator in KasFire who read all of Clockwork Angel and all of Clockwork Prince. She is only 10 chapters into Clockwork Princess, so after this book, I’ll probably only get about halfway with the next one along with her. I really enjoy her voice, and though she can’t pronounce the foreign dialogue (Mandarin, Welsh, etc.), it doesn’t really matter. She posts videos one chapter at a time, and I love that she begins with a review of the events of the previous chapter at the start, then summarizes the current chapter at the end. She also interrupts herself at times with comments and her own thoughts, and I’ve found myself anticipating these. Her enthusiasm and enjoyment of the book itself spurs my emotions higher and makes me enjoy the book more.

Still third person, still mostly focusing on Tessa. However, the book also gives us a lot more about Will and why he is the way he is. It’s hinted at in the first book, but we were never really given a clear answer, and in this one, it’s revealed what’s actually going on. We also get a bit from Jem and Charlotte and others, but not much.

Tessa is a wonderful MC as usual with her love of books and poetry and her general levelheadedness. Despite being a warlock (or whatever she is) she has grown close to the Shadowhunters who’ve offered her a home at the Institute, and she is doing all she can to help their search for the Magister, not only for her ensured safety, but because she cares for them. Her brother has betrayed her, and in spite of this, she loves him.

I’m not normally one for love triangles, especially since Tessa has already described herself as plain Jane from Jane Eyre, but I found that I really enjoyed the dynamics between Tessa and Will and Tessa and Jem. She and Will are a better match in their hobbies and interests, but she and Jem connect more emotionally. Plus, Will has been a jerk to her throughout the first book, and he treated her like trash at the end—though in this book we gain more insight into his behaviour.

Charlotte continues to be a strong figure, both as a character and for those within the book. However, her position as Head of the London Enclave is being threatened by none other than Benedict Lightwood, and she must step up more than ever to keep her title and ensure the safety of Tessa and the other Shadowhunters in her care.

I love that Magnus’ role continues to grow as the trilogy progresses. We know so much of him from the Mortal Instruments series, and it’s fun and often hilarious to see him as he was in Victorian England as opposed to modern-day New York. There was a scene with him and Will and Camille that had me absolutely bursting out laughing as well—so wonderful!

Furthermore, the quality of the writing has not wavered. It still feels super accurate, and though there were lines which my editor brain would tell me to revise, they still worked, and those thoughts were easy enough to brush aside.

I have been LOVING this series so far. It’s everything that I loved from The Mortal Instruments and nothing that I disliked; it’s set in Victorian England accurately; it’s got a perfect balance of action, adventure, and romance. I highly recommend this book and this whole series!

Related Reviews:

The Infernal Devices Book 1: Clockwork Angel
The Infernal Devices Book 2: Clockwork Prince
The Infernal Devices Book 3: Clockwork Princess
The Mortal Instruments Book 1: City of Bones
The Dark Artifices Book 1: Lady Midnight
*The Other Side of Daylight by Nicole Chartier*


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Chilliwack, BC, Canada

