Plain Floral Notebook

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Hardcover; inflexible spine
Long stitch
Strathmore sand stone wove writing paper

Dimensions: 5" x 8"
280 pages
7 signatures

Lined notebook; 16pt lines
No imprint
Made with decorative flower paper

Plain Floral Notebook - front


Plain Floral Notebook - open


Plain Floral Notebook - spine


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I don’t often use the decorative paper for the outside of my book covers, but this paper was sturdy, and I liked it enough for two different books. You may remember it from a previous casebound book I made.

I made the cover in three parts (front, back, and spine) because I like the effect it makes at the seam. Since I’ve used no imprint and the pages are simply lined, I went with a very calm interior paper by just using another sheet of the blank writing paper. The book it stitched using the long stitch method, using my dark brown waxed thread for a beautiful contrast against the light-coloured tones of the paper. I’ve used the simplest long stitch pattern because its elegance speaks to the beauty of the flowers.

This notebook is another 280-page creation, and the lines are of my medium spread (16pt). It’s perfect for writing notes, story ideas, or anything that comes to mind.


Tigerpetal Press is a small book press dedicated to publishing local authors and poets.


Tigerpetal Press
Chilliwack, BC, Canada

