Four Crest Buttonhole Notebook

$45.00 CDN + shipping

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Hardcover; inflexible spine
Buttonhole stitch
Strathmore sand stone wove writing paper

Dimensions: 5.5" x 8.5"
140 pages
7 signatures

Lined notebook; 16pt lines
4 crests imprint
Made with linen fabric

4 Crest Buttonhole Notebook - front


4 Crest Buttonhole Notebook - open


4 Crest Buttonhole Notebook - spine


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This book uses four of the heraldic animal crests I’ve designed—some which already feature in their own books, some which don’t. Each page has its own before the pattern repeats. The serpent and lion back one another, as do the eagle and badger.

The hardest part was choosing which fabric to use for the cover. I didn’t want to take it too seriously, and the polka dots on the decorative paper included all four colours, so I thought it was perfect. Likewise, I wanted something simple and easy to work with for the spine, as I extended the spine gap onto the front and back covers. I did not use any decorative paper to separate the signatures, so the lines themselves show through.

It’s the first time I’ve done a buttonhole with this kind of gap, but luckily it wasn’t as difficult as I’d anticipated. I love the final result.


Tigerpetal Press is a small book press dedicated to publishing local authors and poets.


Tigerpetal Press
Chilliwack, BC, Canada

