Posted: Tuesday, December 26, 2023
It’s that time again. I did this for the first time last year, and I managed to read 105 books in 2023. Crazy! I read 46 manga, 5 shorter books, and 54 novels.
Anyway, I ran into a few problems throughout the year, mostly being that I wanted to complete my list, but it limited me to books I already had in 2022, so I had to sneak books in here and there if I wanted to read them. Plus, I didn’t have enough time to read ARC books, which I want to do more of this year. I also tried to stick to the order of the books I put in my 2023 TBR, which I’ve decided against this year; I’m going to list them in alphabetical order instead.
So, for 2024, I’ve once again made a list of 25 books I definitely want to read, but I’ll read them in any order I please. Here they are:
As I said above, I won’t be reading these in any particular order, though I do plan on starting with self-published books in January. I have three fiction series plus a poetry book on my list; they are marked above with an asterisk (*). My schedule has me reading a book every week, plus shorter books (100 pages or less) on weekends. I endeavour to also read at least five (5) ARC books through the BookSirens website.
Comment below if you’ve read any of the books on my list and what you think of them, or feel free to add your own TBR books!
Tigerpetal Press is a small book press dedicated to publishing local authors and poets.